It's March 8th - International Women's Day!

This year's United Nations theme for 2019 — "Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change" — is near and dear to Project Flogo's core mission.

Throughout March we'll be featuring perspectives from women behind Project Flogo. We'd love to hear yours too — please let us know!

Potrait of Tanvi Bhatia

Tanvi Bhatia

UI Developer

I am Tanvi, a developer. I like to learn new technologies and build stuff.

I spend my free time reading, watching movies, binge-watching some series, and occasionally cooking. I enjoy my role as a developer. It gives me the opportunity to keep learning and exploring the latest technologies and provide proof of concepts for any new idea for a product.

I started using Flogo as part of my project requirement where we had to build and deploy serverless apps to aws lambda. When I used it for the first time, I was surprised to see within minutes my app endpoint was ready. One of the things that I really liked about Flogo is that it's very lightweight and portable. To put things into perspective, the size of my Flogo app was just 1KB which by the way is the size of my whole backend. In my opinion, Flogo has been build with a strong focus on pragmatism and simplicity.

As a UI developer, I must say, Flogo UI is very clean. Its Web UI is very easy to use and designed by keeping non-coders in mind. I feel anyone can build flogo apps with ease with or without any coding background.

All in all, after experimenting with flogo for various project needs, I have to say, Flogo feels like a keeper for me.

Potrait of Rei Kurokawa

Rei Kurokawa

IoT Solutions Engineer

Living in the US for a year in 2018 was a life-changing experience for me. I made my long time dream come true to work abroad.

I met Flogo for the first time in Japan, and I was inspired by the concept of Flogo. I believe now that it is not too much to say that Flogo led me to the US and to TIBCO.

In the US, I met lots of smart and good-minded friends from all over the world, and had lots great conversations with them. I also experienced many things that I have never imagined before. I found lots of differences in people, environment, culture, value and so on. Although, I need some more time to digest all of those, here are my thoughts:

Although there was over 5,000 miles between Mountain View and Tokyo where my kids lived, I had a lot of conversations through the video chat with them thanks to the technology, and I could see that my 11-year old girl especially was growing much faster than I expected and turning into a woman. I found out that she was intelligent enough to grasp and understand things and had an ability to think and make decisions by herself. Throughout the conversations and observation, I realized that my role on her should change from teaching to coaching (provide guidance than telling her what to do). I tried to listen her, accepted her and led her towards her happiness. In this process, I understood the true meaning of conversation. It is not an exchange of information at a superficial level, but sharing ideas and caring at a deeper level.

It is amazing that different people think in different ways. I learned the importance of not pretending to understanding each other, but listen to others and talk in your own words. I think one of the strengths of Japanese people is "feel" each other. If we can acquire the ability to "have real conversations", it should expand our world and create more comfortable relationships and environments.

In a conversation with a respected friend of mine, he told me that living in the same way as majority (he said "median" in math way) is the easiest way and to living as minority needs extra effort to achieve even simple things. It was mind-blowing as I realized that's the cause of my difficult days! I couldn't find a job for a long time regardless of my excellent grades in the collage for being a female, and I was the first female engineer who came back to a career after raising a baby in my company. I am the only female employee in my company who went abroad for work leaving my own kids in home country! He added one more point, "it's very difficult, but there will be a way after someone walked the path for the first time", and it was also mind-blowing. In my company, most of female employees nowadays keep the job after having kids. It is not only because of me, but I want to keep showing options for working mothers by challenging the existing systems. The good thing is though, things are only going to be better.

Luckily, I was assigned to the heart of diversity, California. I met many people from all over the world. Nobody was the same and everybody was interesting. I knew the meaning of diversity, but I didn't feel it until I was there. Nobody is perfect but everybody has different strength. By gathering them, I believe that it will create synergy and the organization will perform better. In addition, diverse environment generates competition because minority makes greater effort to be successful. It makes people stronger and will also strengthen the organization. I felt that is why diversity is important.

When I was leaving the US, my respected friend gave me a farewell wishes. "Life is a journey. I'm happy that you are a part of my journey." Although I am not good at saying goodbye as it is too sad, those words gave me a different perspective in meeting and separating, starting and ending. Life is indeed a journey. I'm happy that you all are a part of my journey. Thank you Flogo for having led me to the US!

Potrait of Krithika Balagurunathan

Krithika Balagurunathan

Product Manager

Being one among 20 women in a class of 125+ prospective BS undergrad students, I knew had to break some obvious visible and invisible barrier.

Keeping up grades, to be a more desirable hire at university recruiting programs, always pushing myself towards my goal of doing something more, better and exciting pursuing my passion for tech.

Flogo personally for me captures the essence of what great products should strive for..being open, inclusive and lowering barriers to entry.

Potrait of Amanda Yam

Amanda Yam

Visual Designer

In my first meeting as a fulltime employee, fresh out of college, I found myself in a room full of about 10 male coworkers. I was seated in the corner, observing and thinking, “Wow, it’s really not an exaggeration, I’m literally the only female in the room. ”

When asked if I had any work to show, I jumped right in and presented what was then the initial designs for the Flogo web UI. I articulated my design choices, received helpful feedback, and noted any next steps. This presentation left me feeling empowered, involved, and important, and I’ve been chasing more of these opportunities ever since.

In college I started out pursuing Graphic Design, and I never expected to be in the tech industry. To be transparent, I grew up never being pressured to pursue anything in tech, even though my dad is a software engineer, it only seemed to be expected of my brother. Unconciously, I disassociated myself with that idea. However, now that I’ve found my own way into the tech industry, I couldn’t be happier or more proud.

Throughout the last 3 years at TIBCO and working with the Flogo team, I’ve slowly gained confidence in my value and skills. From creating mascots, designing interfaces, to illustrating these graphics for Women’s Day, I’ve come to learn that my work is valued and I can make an impact doing something I love. I still have to catch myself when I find that I’m receding into the background of a meeting, or push myself when I’m uncomfortable about standing up for my opinions, but that’s part of the process!

I’m glad to say I’ve had the opportunity to meet many inspiring women leaders, engineers, designers, and entrepeneurs in my career. I still think there is definitely more work to be done to decrease unconscious bias and to encourage inclusivity, but I feel lucky to be a part of this effort in it’s uphill climb.

Potrait of Amber Jaura

Amber Jaura

Solutions Consultant

I’m Amber, just your everyday average hybrid model of Pakistani roots and Texan cowboy boots.

I dabble in reverse engineering things, OD on coffee, linguistic studies, and training for half marathons when I can make it off the couch. As a software consultant, I live over at that intersection where breaking and building things is an everyday balance of passion and pitfalls. For me, being in the tech realm is like being in high school all over again (minus all the Fall Out Boy and teenage angst). Back to the days of sitting in 3rd period learning how to code my very first program in Java for the first time in my life.

I frequent classrooms with CTOs and Head Directors of Integration, surrounded by new obstacles but excited by the possibility to test and play with tech to solve problems in the coolest ways. It might take me dozens of cappuccinos, hours of creative workarounds, and days of configuring only to reconfigure yet again - but I’m just that kid in the classroom feeding my inquisitive parameters.

Oh and one more thing - I’m the only girl in the room. The top articles on LinkedIn tell me “The Future is Female”, #IWD2019 is trending on Twitter, but sometimes I’m still the only girl in that room. I watch the eyes of Directors light up as I show them quicker ways to build microservices to fit their integration pattern needs. I listen to the feedback of how they look to use Event-driven architectures and absolve challenges currently slowing them down. I note down the ideas they spark in me for ways to build better solutions and points to pass on to our development teams to continue making the better into the best. I forget I’m the only girl in the room with the powerful possibilities of Flogo and a little birdie named Flynn told me we’re only getting started. We’re closer now than ever before on closing the gaps of female representation and inclusion in the tech industry. Communities like Flogo on Github uniting hundreds of developers, men and women alike, are at the root of technology, innovation, and building the experiences to make sure women and girls can play the parts they want. Whether that’s as a IoT developer testing the ultra-lightweight capabilities, with multi-thread methods and concurrency models from the GoLang based foundations of Flogo or using the Flogo CLI or Go APIs to build custom apps. From 100% Open Source down to completely low-code flow building in your browser, I love that Flogo supports a world where tech enhances who we are. Tech can drive out the vibrancies and depths of our personalities we didn’t know we had when we’re powered to build in all the ways we love to build.

So whether I’m calling turnLeft() three times to make a right with Karel J Robot or remotely turning off my lights with Alexa and Flogo, I’m proud to be part of something much bigger as a Woman in Tech.

Potrait of Raji Narayanan

Raji Narayanan

Product Manager

I have a Math background and started my career first as a developer and then transitioned to become a Product Manager.

This year’s IWD theme resonates with me as it puts women at the center of innovation not just as recipients of tech for a better, more equal world — but more importantly as innovators.

An OSS project like Flogo does level the playing field and while anyone can contribute in any way, I have to admit I have often wondered if all ideas are truly welcome? I am happy to report my initial notions have been dispelled and we have been on a great trajectory of encouraging all ideas in the Flogo community.

I’m looking forward to seeing even more diverse perspectives being deliberately nurtured in the Flogo community — after all its no secret that diversity does truly drive innovation for change

Potrait of Stuti Saxena

Stuti Saxena


From being a consumer goods marketer (soap, soup, shampoo as I like to call it) to now being a woman in technology, it's been a journey.

I started marketing Flogo which has the prettiest and the coolest mascot, Flynn. At conferences and tradeshows, I meet people of all genders who want to own and flaunt a t-shirt/tattoo/socks/pins with Flynn on it. I see it as a statement.

Flogo by nature is very inclusive. It is warm and welcoming. It talks to people with all kinds and levels of understanding. It is not only for those who read and write code. It also has a web UI for visual coding and testing. I do not know how to read or write code but I still use Flogo with ease. This is when I feel that more than me embracing the technology, the technology has embraced me - that's very cool Flynn!

Stay tuned for more!

We’re celebrating all month long, so keep an eye out for some more amazing innovators, builders, and developers coming soon!